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Why a Static Mindset Contributes to Depression and the Importance to Update Your Mindset.

What is Static Mindset

Think of a static mindset as the default way of thinking. It is an extension of the egocentric state of mind that is native to all of us. If you observe a child or remember your own childhood everything is centered around you. The mind at this point is eagerly learning and enthusiastically attaches various forms of labels we were given or self-attributed. Some are positive and some are not. If the positive labels outweigh the negative it is likely positive self-esteem that follows. If the negative outweighs the positive the opposite follows. While most can relate to this, as it closely reminds us of how the brain develops, this mental map is directly responsible for mental and physical regression. If not updated you will likely have a false perception of yourself and others around you. Why is this bad; because you will experience more pain than is necessary to endure. Below are examples of some of the faulty programming that stems from the static mindset.

  • You have a certain amount of intelligence that cannot be changed

  • You can learn new things but cannot change your intelligence

  • Your sense of identifying who you are and cannot change

  • You avoid challenges

  • You give up easily

  • You have a tendency to ignore feedback

  • You have a tendency to Identify as inferior or superior

The Awakening of the Growth Mindset

You become aware of the first cycle. The cycle is how you got to this particular place in time by studying yourself. The growth mindset follows a close observation of yourself and the world around you. What becomes evident is that change is the essence of everything around us. You are constantly moving and everything around you is dancing in cyclical changes that have order and follow particular cause-and-effect relationships. Your mental and physical accomplishments are the result of the sum total of your actions. If you want to maintain and exceed your knowledge you adopt the growth mindset. The one who embraces the growth mindset deeply knows that their development is defined as the total of their actions that have brought them to the current predicament in life.

Drop the Labels and Embrace Action

If you attributed a positive quality to yourself, say "I'm physically strong", as soon as you stop working out and eating well you will notice a gradual decline in your strength and health. The growth mindset maintains certain routines and strives to make gradual improvements along the way in all domains that are important while making it a habit to venture into new territory, staying humble, curious, and determined to learn new skills and build new relationships. Likewise, the growth mindset does not hold on to negative labels, knowing the trajectory of any form of competency involves moving from --> novice --> intermediate--> master.

  • know that you are the sum total of everything you think and do all day long

  • in order to maintain you must keep up with advancing each domain that is important to you

  • you let go of labels and embrace the cyclical definition of any skillset of the domain you want to conquer

  • you see the cycle of each competency is from novice-->intermediate-->master

The Growth Mindset is All Around You

The growth mindset is the way. Everything around you is moving through cycles. It is the Ego that likes to compare, judge, label, and discriminate. Once you adopt the Growth mindset you can drop the weight of the burden of your Ego and embrace the natural creative spirit that lives within all of us. The Growth Mindset will deliver your state of being to its maximum physical, mental, and spiritual state.

Moving toward Mastery

The essence of this information is an ongoing discovery of everything around you. It is beautiful and awe-inspiring at the same time. You can either leverage the growth opportunities that exist and experience a life full of discovery, joy, and meaningful relationships or experience unnecessary pain. Below are further examples of the growth mindset.

  • You are constantly moving. In order to maintain what you have, you need to stay engaged in action.

  • You can always learn new ways of thinking and performing if you apply yourself.

  • There is no such thing as a static state; everything is in flux and calls for action.

  • Love a good challenge

  • Able to follow through until the end

  • Learn to accept constructive feedback

  • Identify as a work in progress.

  • Identifies talent as a state of development that is achieved and maintained through action

Are you ready for a Test?

Answer this question: I feel smart when....


  • When I finish first

  • When I make no mistakes

  • When I do something that others can't


  • There will be times I'm first and other times I will not come first. My placement does not determine how smart I am. What matters more is when something I initiate is hard, and I try hard, and I eventually figure it out.

  • I will make mistakes. Everyone does. Making mistakes does not determine how smart I am. In fact, everyone makes mistakes on the way to mastery in any domain. What matter more is I determine a goal that I'm passionate about, focus my energy, work hard and eventually accomplish this goal.

  • It does not matter what others can or cannot do. What matters more is my ability to strive toward the best version of myself.

How to Shift from Static to Growth

Nature has a unique code that rewards behavior that resonates with the harmonious creative energy of the Universe. By practicing these 10 habits you will likely enjoy more of your prime years of life, doing things that you enjoy, you will be mentally sharp, enjoy deep meaningful relationships, and will experience deep respect and unity with the universe around you. The choice is yours. I hope by this point you are sold on which mindset you want to embrace. Change can be difficult. We are here for you.

  • stay physically active

  • develop a love for learning and cooking healthy meals

  • develop a love for professional development

  • develop a love for personal development

  • compare yourself with only the latest version of yourself

  • develop a love for solving problems

  • position yourself to meet and connect with new people

  • develop a goal-oriented mindset

  • get out of your head and practice empathy

  • accept others as they are, resist the temptations to change others or judge them

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